Unit 5: The Story Of Lot And Sodom
Kisah Lot dan Sodom
The Story Of Lot And Sodom
Kisah Lot dan Sodom
The angels would not listen to Lot's words.
Para malaikat itu tidak mengindahkan apa perkataan Lot.
In the morning, urged on by the angels, Lot took his wife and the two daughters who lived with him, and prepared to go away.
Di pagi harinya, atas desakan para malaikat, Lot membawa istri dan kedua putrinya yang tinggal bersama dengannya untuk bersiap-siap pergi jauh.
But it was hard for them to leave and face an uncertain future.
Namun sukar bagi mereka untuk pergi dan menghadapi masa depan yang tidak pasti.
At last the angels took hold of his hand, and of the hand of his wife, and of the hands of his two daughters, and brought them out of the city.
Pada akhirnya, para malaikat itu menggandeng tangan Lot, istri dan kedua putrinya dan membawa mereka keluar dari kota itu.
Had it not been for the Lord's mercy, Lot and all his family would have been destroyed.
Jika bukan karena kebaikan Tuhan, Lot dan segenap keluarganya pasti akan dihancurkan.
When the angels had brought Lot and his family outside the city, they told him to hasten to the mountain.
Ketika para malaikat telah membawa Lot dan keluarganya keluar dari kota itu, mereka berkata kepadanya untuk naik ke atas gunung.
"do not look behind you," they cried, "or you be consumed."
"jangan menoleh ke belakang," teriak mereka, "atau kamu akan mati"
But even then Lot stopped to argue with them.
Namun ketika itupun Lot masih berhenti dan berdebat dengan mereka.
His courage failed, and he begged to be allowed to go to the little city of Zoar, instead of to the mountain.
Keberaniannya surut dan dia memohon agar diizinkan pergi ke kota kecil Zoar dan bukannya ke atas gunung.
His request was granted.
Permintaannya dikabulkan.
As they fled, Lot's wife turned to look once more at the home she was leaving behind her.
Ketika sedang berlari, istri Lot menoleh untuk melihat sekali lagi rumah yang ditinggalkannya.
Perhaps she thought that, after all, the city would not be destroyed, and she might go back;
Mungkin dia berpikir bahwa siapa tahu kota itu tidak akan dihancurkan dan dia bisa kembali lagi
but as she looked, she was turned to a pillar of salt, and Lot and his daughters were obliged to leave her there as they ran for their lives.
namun ketika menoleh, dia berubah menjadi tiang garam dan Lot dan kedua putrinya terpaksa meninggalkan dirinya di sana karena mereka berlari untuk mencari selamat.
The sun had risen when they entered Zoar;
Matahari telah terbit ketika mereka tiba di Zoar
and it was about this time that Abraham went to the place where the night before he had so earnestly pleaded with the Lord to spare the city.
dan sekitar saat inilah, Abraham pergi ke tempat dimana pada malam sebelumnya dia dengan sungguh-sungguh memohon kepada Allah untuk mengampuni kota itu.
It had been consumed by "fire and brimstone".
Kota itu telah dihancurkan oleh "api dan belerang".