Unit 29: Order
Pictured Words
Kata Benda Konkret
New Words
Kata-kata Baru

1. wall
tembok |
2. structure
bangunan |
3. hat
topi |
4. gloves
sarung tangan |

5. fork
garpu |
6. plate
piring |
7. knife and spoon
pisau dan sendok |
8. pin
tusukan |
9. flags
bendera (jamak) |
10. cards
kartu (jamak) |

11. computer
komputer |
Kata Benda
kepingan elektronik
pakaian perempuan
sarung tangan
lempengan; piring
timah; kaleng
tembok, dinding
The gloves are near to my hat, far from that point over there.
Sarung tangan itu terletak di dekat topi saya, jauh dari titik yang di sana itu.
The wrong cards always put me far from winning.
Kartu yang salah selalu menjauhkan saya dari kemenangan.
Trees are far from beautiful in winter.
Pepohonan tidak tampak cantik di musim dingin.
His plate is far from empty.
Piringnya masih penuh.
A computer is near necessary for business.
Komputer hampir mutlak dibutuhkan dalam urusan dagang.
A pin is near as good as a hook for fishing.
Sebatang jarum adalah hampir sebaik sebuah kait untuk memancing.
The hollow in those leaves is near full of water.
Celah di antara dedaunan itu hampir dipenuhi air.
She made a near record selection of hats, dresses and gloves for the union's competition.
Dia hampir saja mencatat rekor dalam pemilihan topi, pakaian perempuan dan sarung tangan yang diadakan untuk pertandingan perkumpulan itu.
Near and far show the position of one thing with respect to another.
Dekat dan jauh menunjukkan kedudukan sebuah benda terhadap benda lain.
They are often said as near to or far from the thing they have relation with.
Mereka sering dikatakan sebagai dekat ke atau jauh dari benda yang berhubungan dengannya.
But the preposition to may be left out, as in the examples for near:
Namun kata depan ke bisa tidak digunakan, seperti dalam contoh untuk dekat:
this town, now, is near, and it is a little one.
kota ini, sekarang, letaknya dekat, dan adalah kota kecil.
better is a neighbour who is near than a brother far off.
lebih baik tetangga dekat ketimbang saudara lelaki yang jauh.
you see that the summer is near.
bisa kamu lihat bahwa musim panas sudah dekat.
be not far from me, for trouble is near.
jangan jauh-jauh dariku karena bahaya sudah dekat.
Let such a thing be far from you.
Hendaklah hal seperti itu jauh darimu.
keeping himself far from evil.
menjaga dirinya jauh dari kejahatan.
let it be far from God to do evil.
hendaklah jauh dari Allah untuk berbuat jahat.
you are not far from the kingdom of God.
kamu tidaklah jauh dari kerajaan Allah.

He Walked Beside Them
Dia Berjalan di Bersama Mereka
And then, two of them, on that very day, were going to a little town named Emmaus, which was about seven miles from Jerusalem.
Lalu, dua dari mereka, di hari itu juga, sedang menuju ke kota kecil yang bernama Emaus, yang terletak kira-kira tujuh mil dari Yerusalem.
And they were talking together about all those things which had taken place.
Dan mereka sedang bercakap-cakap tentang semua yang telah terjadi.
And while they were talking and questioning together, Jesus himself came near and went with them.
Dan sementara mereka bercakap-cakap dan bertanya-tanya, Yesus mendekati dan berjalan ke arah mereka.
But their eyes were not open that they might have knowledge of him.
Namun mata mereka terhalang sehingga mereka tidak mengenali Dia.
And he said to them, What are you talking about together while you go?
Dan Dia berkata kepada mereka, Apa yang sedang kamu bicarakan sementara berjalan?
And he made clear to them all the things in the Writings, from Moses and from all the prophets, which had to do with himself.
Dan Dia menjelaskan kepada mereka semua hal yang tertulis di Kitab Suci, sejak zaman Musa dan para nabi yang berbicara tentang diri-Nya.
And they came near the town to which they were going, and he seemed as if he was going on.
Dan mendekati kota yang mereka tuju, dan Dia terlihat seakan hendak melanjutkan perjalanan-Nya.
But they kept him back, saying, Do not go, for evening is near, the day is almost gone.
Namun mereka menahan-Nya dan berkata, Jangan pergi karena malam akan segera tiba, siang hampir berakhir.
And he went in with them.
Dan Dia mengikuti mereka.
And when he was seated with them at the table, he took the bread, and said words of blessing and, making division of it, he gave it to them.
Dan ketika Dia duduk bersama mereka di meja, Dia mengambil roti dan mengucap syukur atasnya dan memecah-mecahkannya, Dia memberikannya kepada mereka.
And then their eyes were open, and they had knowledge of him;
Dan saat itu pula mata mereka terbuka, dan mengenali Dia.
but he went from their view.
namun Dia telah lenyap dari pandangan mereka.
And they said to one another, Were not our hearts burning in us while he was talking to us on the way, making clear to us the holy Writings?
Dan mereka berkata satu sama lain, Bukankah hati kita menyala-nyala sementara Dia berbicara kepada kita dalam perjalanan, menjelaskan isi Kitab Suci kepada kita?
And that very hour they got up and went back to Jerusalem, where the eleven and the others had come together.
Dan saat itu juga mereka bangkit dan kembali ke Yerusalem, dimana kesebelas murid dan orang-orang lain berkumpul.
Additional Reading
Bacaan Tambahan
This great story has been the experience of many men and women throughout time.
Kisah luar biasa ini dialami oleh banyak pria dan perempuan sepanjang waktu.
They, too, have got a fresh view on life when they had "a meeting with Jesus".
Mereka juga memperoleh pandangan baru tentang hidup ketika mereka "berjumpa dengan Yesus".
Have in mind that these two men were very sad.
Ingatlah bahwa kedua orang ini sangat sedih.
They had come to a bitter experience when their Master had been put to death by the rulers of their land.
Mereka telah mengalami peristiwa pahit ketika Tuhan mereka dihukum mati oleh penguasa negri itu.
Then a stranger came to them and he gave them the new view on things that they had so much need of.
Kemudian ada seorang asing yang mendekati mereka dan memberikan pandangan baru atas hal-hal yang sangat mereka butuhkan.
That stranger was Jesus.
Orang asing itu adalah Yesus.
We may take note that he made out he would go on.
Kita mungkin mencatat bahwa Dia bersikap seolah akan melanjutkan perjalanan.
Only when they said to be with them for the night, did he say, yes.
Hanya ketika mereka berusaha mengajaknya bermalam, baru Dia berkata ya.
He did not seem to be forceful.
Dia tidak terlihat seperti memaksa.
It was to be their decision.
Itu adalah keputusan mereka.
They might have their friend with them, or they might not.
Mereka mungkin ingin mengajak kawan itu bermalam, mungkin juga tidak.
But, if he had gone on, they would never have seen this stranger as being their master.
Namun jika Dia pergi, mereka tidak akan pernah mengetahui bahwa orang asing ini adalah Tuhan mereka.
It was when the stranger took the bread in his hands that they saw who he was.
Ketika orang asing itu mengambil roti dengan tangannya, barulah mereka sadar siapa Dia sesungguhnya.
Some say that the two men may have been with Jesus when he gave food to the five thousand from only five loaves of bread and two small fish.
Beberapa orang berkata bahwa kedua orang itu mungkin bersama-sama dengan Yesus ketika Dia memberi makan lima ribu orang dengan hanya berbekalkan lima roti dan dua ikan kecil.
You have already been given that story.
Anda telah menjumpai cerita itu sebelumnya.
If so, they would have seen his hands taking hold of the five loaves then.
Jika demikian adanya, mereka tentu pernah melihat tangan-Nya mengambil lima roti itu.
But it is certain that this was no formal event, and not a special religious practice, like a "communion".
Namun bisa dipastikan bahwa ini bukanlah peristiwa besar dan bukan praktek keagamaan khusus, misalnya seperti "perjamuan kudus".
Many persons have seen him in such everyday experiences since that time: in their houses;
Banyak orang telah melihat Dia dalam peristiwa sehari-hari sejak saat itu: di dalam rumah mereka
in the offices at work;
di kantor tempat mereka bekerja
in the fields, forests or on the beaches when at work or at play.
di padang, hutan atau di pantai ketika mereka bekerja atau bermain.
This meeting with the stranger was a great event for the two men.
Perjumpaan dengan orang asing itu adalah hal yang luar biasa bagi kedua orang itu.
Whereas the two had been taking a road that went to the west and away from Jerusalem, they now went in the opposite direction.
Karena mereka menempuh jalan yang menuju ke barat dan menjauhi Yerusalem namun kemudian berbalik ke arah yang berlawanan.
They had been journeying to the sunset but now they turned east to the sunrise.
Mereka berjalan menuju arah matahari terbenam namun sekarang mereka berbalik menuju timur ke arah matahari terbit.
They had great news to be told, so within the hour they were on their way back to Jerusalem.
Mereka membawa kabar luar biasa untuk diberitakan sehingga pada jam itu juga, mereka berjalan ke Yerusalem.
They could not have a sleep and do it tomorrow!
Mereka tidak bisa tidur dan melakukan itu keesokan harinya.
They had to do it now!
Mereka harus melakukannya sekarang juga!
True friends always give each other good news quickly like that.
Sahabat sejati selalu saling memberitakan kabar baik seperti itu dengan segera.
What a surprise met them there.
Mereka mendapati sebuah kejutan di sana.
In Jerusalem, Peter had seen Jesus too.
Di Yerusalem, Petrus juga telah meilhat Yesus.
Helpful Notes
Catatan Penolong
Yerusalem | the central town of Palestine, we now say the capital.
kota utama Palestina, kita sekarang menyebutnya ibukota. |
talking and questioning
berbicara dan bertanya | question and answer about things.
tanya jawab tentang hal-hal. |
said words of blessing
mengucap berkat | gave thanks for the bread.
bersyukur atas roti itu. |
hearts burning
hati menyala-nyala | a feeling of great pleasure.
perasaan gembira luar biasa. |
bitter experience
peristiwa pahit | a great amount of trouble.
kesuakaran yang luar biasa. |
not seem to be forceful
tidak terlihat memaksa | not trying to make their minds change.
tidak berusaha mengubah pikiran mereka. |
no formal event
bukan peristiwa resmi | it was quite a natural happening.
kejadian yang biasa. |
perjamuan kudus | a set order of church service.
bagian tertentu dari ibadah gereja. |
turned east to the sunrise
menuju timur ke arah matahari terbit | turned from the way they had in mind.
berbalik dari arah yang semula dituju. |
Interesting Facts and Records
Fakta dan Catatan yang Menarik
Records and Writings
Catatan dan Tulisan
In early times there were no written records of ownership.
Di zaman dahulu, tidak ada catatan tertulis soal kepemilikan.
Arguments about property were dependent upon ideas of past connections.
Pertentangan soal harta berupa tanah bergantung pada gagasan mengenai hubungan di masa lampau.
The time one's fathers had lived in a place was important.
Waktu dimana leluhur sesorang hidup di satu tempat tertentu adalah penting.
The idea was that they were still living and watching from afar.
Intinya adalah bahwa mereka masih hidup dan mengawasi dari kejauhan.
And so, it came about that one should have knowledge of his past.
Dengan begitu, seseorang harus mengetahui masa lalunya.
His records were kept on a stick that became a union with his long line of fathers.
Catatan mengenai dirinya disimpan pada sebuah tongkat yang menjadi bagian dari garis silsilah leluhurnya.
The son of a property owner would say the record over as the stick was slowly turned.
Anak lelaki dari pemilik tanah akan membacakan catatan itu sambil memutar tongkat dengan perlahan.
Then it would be put in a place of honour.
Lalu tongkat itu ditaruh di tempat yang istimewa.
It became the household god.
Itu menjadi dewa sembahan bagi rumah tangga tadi.
It was a serious thing to Laban when Rachel stole his household gods.
Benda itu adalah sesuatu yang penting bagi Laban ketika Rahel mencuri dewa sembahannya.
They had both a religious connection and a property ownership relation.
Mereka mengandung keterkaitan agama dan hubungan kepemilikan tanah.
It may well be that putting records on a stick gave them only a small amount of space in which to have them cut.
Bisa jadi menulis catatan di atas tongkat hanya menyisakan sedikit ruang sehingga tulisan harus disingkat.
In much the same way as now, space was important.
Dalam pengertian yang sama sekarang ini, ruang adalah penting.
In those days a long line of fathers had to go on one stick, so vowels were left out.
Di masa itu, garis keturunan leluhur harus termuat dalam satu tongkat sehingga huruf vokal tidak digunakan.
A like thing has happened in our own time.
Hal serupa juga terdapat di masa sekarang.
Computer statements had to be short with our early chips.
Tulisan di komputer harus singkat pada awal ditemukannya kepingan elektronik (chip).
They were not large enough for long ones.
Mereka tidak cukup besar untuk ditulisi kalimat panjang.
The vowels were left out until we got larger units.
Huruf vokal juga tidak digunakan sehingga terdapat ruang yang lebih besar.
Short records do have their value.
Catatan singkat juga berguna.
It is not easy to give clear arguments about early times, but we do know that early records were short.
Tidak mudah memberikan keterangan soal zaman dahulu namun kita tahu bahwa catatan pada masa itu dibuat singkat.
This we have learned from all the plates of earth which were found around early towns.
Hal ini diketahui dari lempengan tanah liat yang ditemukan di sekitar kota-kota kuno.
The writing on those plates was made with a short piece of stick with a sharp, flattened point.
Tulisan pada lempengan itu dibuat dengan tongkat pendek yang berujung tajam dan rata.
Its end was put into the soft wet earth to make marks before the plates were put out to dry.
Ujungnya ditusukkan ke tanah liat yang masih basah untuk dibuat tanda sebelum lempengan itu dikeringkan.
Naturally, the smaller the space used, the easier it was to take hold of the plates.
Umumnya, semakin sedikit tempat yang digunakan, semakin mudah pula memegang lempengan itu.
Writing in Mesopotamia was short.
Tulisan Mesopotamia adalah singkat.
In Egypt, important rulers had special rooms for when they died.
Di Mesir, para penguasa yang penting memilki ruangan khusus jika mereka meninggal.
These were made attractive by pictures on the walls.
Ruangan itu dihias dengan lukisan di dindingnya.
They gave an advertisement of their life's main acts.
Lukisan itu memberitahukan perbuatan besar yang dilakukan mereka.
Writing there was with pictures.
Di sana, tulisan berupa gambar.
Moses started his life as a chief in Egypt.
Musa memulai hidupnya sebagai penguasa di Mesir.
He was given teaching in the reading of these pictures.
Dia diajari membaca tulisan yang berupa gambar ini.
But, he would also have been taught to read much shorter forms of writing.
Namun dia pasti juga diajari untuk membaca tulisan yang lebih singkat.
This was with letters that were written onto leaves of water-plants.
Tulisan ini berupa huruf yang ditulis di atas dedaunan tanaman air.
So, there were different forms of writing.
Jadi, ada beberapa jenis tulisan yang berbeda.
Because of small space the writing automatically was kept to the least number of letters possible.
Karena tempat yang terbatas, tulisan itu dengan sendirinya penggunaan huruf dibatasi sesedikit mungkin.
A big adjustment was made when the different systems of writing were put together into one system.
Penyesuaian besar terjadi ketika sistem tulisan yang beda-beda digabungkan menjadi satu.
That was the result of trade and transport between the nations of the time.
Hal ini disebabkan oleh karena perdagangan dan perpindahan yang terjadi antara bangsa-bangsa di masa itu.
This development was made in North Palestine by persons who went sailing in ships in the Great Sea the Mediterranean.
Perkembangan ini terjadi di Utara Palestina oleh orang-orang yang berlayar dengan kapal menuju ke Samudra Raya Mediterania.
The Hebrew language came from that development.
Bahasa Ibrani muncul dari perkembangan ini.
It may well be for such reasons that Hebrew does not have letters for vowels, only for consonants.
Mungkin disebabkan oleh itu sehingga bahasa Ibrani tidak memiliki huruf vokal, hanya ada konsonan.