Stage 4: Wider reading Tahap 4: Bacaan yang lebih luas

Unit 14: Living Water

Air Hidup

Living Water

Air Hidup

Jesus said in answer, “Truly, I say to you, If a man’s birth is not from water and the spirit, it is not possible for him to go into the kingdom of God."

Jawab Yesus, "Sesungguhnya Aku berkata kepadamu bahwa jika seseorang tidak dilahirkan oleh air dan Roh maka mustahil baginya untuk masuk ke dalam kerajaan Allah".

What a difference a drop of rain can give to a dry land. I took my family through Death Valley--one of the driest and hottest places in California. But the scene was totally different – there had been a change to rain. Nature was alive, there were many flowers, the air was misty and the trip was pleasant. My friends could not believe it, until they saw the pictures.

Betapa besar pengaruh setetes air terhadapa sebidang tanah yang kering. Saya mengajak keluargaku ke Death Valley--salah satu tempat terkering dan terpanas di California. Alamnya penuh kehidupan, ada banyak bunga, udara terasa berkabut dan tamasya itu meny

Jesus said “Whoever takes the water I give him will never be in need of drink again,

Kata Yesus, "Siapapun meminum air yang Kuberikan kepadanya tidak akan pernah haus selamanya,

for the water I give him will become in him a fountain of eternal life”

karena air yang Kuberikan kepadanya akan menjadi mata air dari kehidupan kekal".

Dry lands were well known to those living in Israel. Jesus was saying a meaningful thing when talking of the fountain of life. For a people used to the waste lands of Judea, the meaning was clear. To the woman at the well: “Sir, give me this water” was her ready response.

Tanah tandus sangatlah dikenal di Israel. Yesus berbicara tentang sesuatu yang berarti ketika membahas mengenai mata air kehidupan. Bagi orang yang terbiasa dengan tanah Yudea yang tandus, artinya sungguh jelas. Bagi perempuan di dekat sumur itu, "Tuan, b

And she drank that water, for she said to the people “Come and see … is it possible that this is the Christ?”

Dan dia meminum air itu karena dia berkatak epada orang-orang "Datang dan lihatlah ... Apakah mungkin bahwa dia ini adalah Kristus itu?"

Before that , she was born of water, but now she was born of the spirit.

Sebelumnya, dia terlahir dari air namun sekarang dia telah terlahir dari Roh.

Prayer: Lord, May we become a fountain of life as we too are born of the spirit. Amen.

Doa: Tuhan, ubah kami menjadi mata air kehidupan karena kami juga terlahir dari Roh. Amin.

Thought for the day

Pokok Pikiran Hari Ini

Men need Christ, the living water

Manusia membutuhkan Kristus, Sang Air Hidup

Clive Gates (NSW, Australia)

Prayer focus: The New Spirit Christ Gives

Pokok Doa: Roh Baru yang diberikan Kristus