Unit 1: Memories
Excerpt from a biography “Memorial to Joan Gates”
Another example of God's protection was an offer to Clive of a Ford V8 for $110, so we accepted the offer.
神の保護のもう一つの例は$110 のためのフォードV8 のClive へ提供だった、従って私達は提供を受け入れた。
It was a very good car and we had some great trips: The Sequoias, the Grand Canyon, Yosemite National Park, Indio Desert with Dr Fritz Whent, Disney Land, Sandiago Zoo, Marine Land, and Descanto Camilia Gardens.
それは非常によい車であり、私達はある大きい旅行を有した: Dr フリッツWhent が付いているSequoias 、グランドキャニオン、Yosemite の国立公園、Indio の砂漠、ディズニーの土地、Sandiago の動物園、海洋の土地、およびDescanto Camilia の庭。
The children just loved Disney Land, and we were given $10 by Prof. Underwood , his Professor in Agriculture in W.A., and his wife when they were visiting Cal Tech, and Clive brought them home to lunch.
Cal の技術を訪問していた、Clive はそれらに家をlunch ために持って来たときに子供のちょうど愛されたディズニーの土地および私達は教授、W.A. の農業の彼の教授、および彼の妻によってUnderwood $10 を与えられ。
He said "you must take the children to Disney Land".
彼は"ディズニーの土地に子供を" 連れて行かなければならないことを言った。
It was amazing.

We all enjoyed the trip, such as: Tom Sawyer's Island;
私達は完全に旅行を、のような楽しんだ: トム・ソーヤの島;
the trip down the river, with the Hippos coming up and blowing out water;
水を上がり、吹き消していてHippos が川の下の旅行;
the boat going under the waterfall without getting wet;
a Red Indian camp, complete with Indians, wigwams, and campfire blazing;
赤いインドのキャンプはインド人、wigwams 、およびキャンプファイヤーの燃えることと、完了する;
the big black Gorilla beating his chest all very realistic and thrilling to the children.
The purchase of the car took all our money till the next pay came through, as well as the payment of our Health Insurance, which is essential in USA, as medical is very expensive.
So we only had the food that was in the house.
However, we all went down with Asian Flu and no one wanted to eat much.
Our daughter recovered first and went back to school.
Her lunch that day was limited, so she had to make a big thing of it and told her friend, "this is all the food we have".
日が限られていたこと彼女の昼食、従って彼女はそれの大きい事を作らなければなり、彼女の友人に言われる、"これは私達が" 食べる食糧すべてである。
The story reached her teacher, so when her mother was interviewed by her teacher, she said she was concerned for our welfare.
We assured her we were quite alright, and explained the purchase of the car and Health Insurance coming together had temporally left us short till next pay.
We thanked her very much for her kind concern.