Unit 36: Numbers
Pictured Words
New Words

クロック |
2.fire from the sky (lightning)
空から火(雷) |
ネジ |

川 |
動物 |
There are many kinds of animals that take pleasure in swimming in the river or in the sea.
A screw is a very useful thing.
Not all screws are small.
The screw which makes a ship go is very large and is given that name because of its shape.
Our typewriter is over there on the shelf.
It is not an electric one.
電気1 時でない。
Our office is always at work because we have to see the amount of money that comes in from our businesses.
The girls put powder on their noses and some gets onto their slips.
We got the amounts by the decimal system before, but now the calculator does it automatically.
Calculators make use of the binary system because that suits the way electrical systems do their work.
There has been a complete change of business ways of late years because of the invention of electronic machines.
English has a number system that is based on tens.
英語に10 に基づいているナンバーシステムがある。
Other countries have other systems.
The Jews used tables of numbers based on 14, whilst in early Mesopotamia the base went up to 60.
ユダヤ人は早いMesopotamia で基盤が60 まで行った間14 にナンバーベースのテーブルを使用した。
We still have the effects of the 60 system in our measure of time into seconds and minutes.
私達はまだ秒及び分に時間の私達の測定で60 システムの効果をもたらす。
A very important number system now is that based on electric impulses.
It gives a base of 2 and is termed the binary system.
それは2 の基盤を与え、二進法と名づけられる。
Computers go on that system.
But the normal system of numbers is based on tens and goes by the name of the decimal system.
しかし数の正常なシステムは10 に基づき、十進法の名前によって行く。
It is widely used throughout the world, not only by Englishmen.
それはEnglishmen によって世界中広く、しか使用されない。
* | 1
1 | one
1 つ | the first in the series
シリーズの第1 |
** | 2
2 | two
2 | the second in the series
シリーズの第2 |
*** | 3
3 | three
3 | the third in the series
シリーズの三番目 |
**** | 4
4 | four
4 | the fourth in the series
シリーズの四分の一 |
***** | 5
5 | five
5 | the fifth in the series
シリーズの五番目 |
****** | 6
6 | six
6 | the sixth in the series
シリーズの六番目 |
******* | 7
7 | seven
7 | the seventh in the series
シリーズの七番目 |
******** | 8
8 | eight
8 | the eighth in the series
シリーズの第8 |
********* | 9
9 | nine
9 | the ninth in the series
シリーズの第9 |
********** | 10
10 | ten
10 | the tenth in the series
シリーズの第10 |
*********** | 11
11 | eleven
11 | the eleventh in the series
シリーズの第11 |
************ | 12
12 | twelve
12 | the twelfth in the series
シリーズの第12 |
the last two are the only ones above ten that have a special name.
最後の2 つは特殊名がある10 の上の唯一の物ある。
The rest are like the first ten but add "teen" to them:
残りの繰り返しはそれらに最初の10 の名前"十代を" 加え、:
| 14
| 15
| 16
| 17
| 18
| 19
| fourteen
| fifteen
| sixteen
| seventeen
| eighteen
| nineteen
Further groups of ten take their names from the units by adding "ty":
取得それ以上の10 のグループ"ty" 加えることによる単位からの名前:
| 30
| 40
| 50
| 60
| 70
| 80
| 90
| thirty
| fourty
| fifty
| sixty
| seventy
| eighty
| ninety
Hundreds are the next group in the series.
They have the name of the unit before the word "hundred":
それらは単語"百" の前に単位の名前を有する:
| 200
| and so on
one hundred
100 = 百 | two hundred
200 = 200 | and so on.
及びそう。 |
The next group has the name "thousand".
Simlilarly 、次のグループのために、一流の"千" がある。
| 2000
| and so on
one thousand
| two thousand
| and so on.
There is little point in progressing further than this because once the basis is clear, numbers are more quickly put in mind by connection with the country of your choice.

Fire From Heaven
He put the wood in order, and cutting up the ox, put it on the wood.
Then he said, Get four vessels full of water and put it on the burned offering and on the wood.
そして彼は言い、4 つの容器を水の完全得、そして燃えた提供と木にそれを置いた。
And he said, Do it a second time, and they did it a second time;
And he said, Do it a third time, and they did it a third time.
そして彼は第3 時間それを言ったり、し、それらは第3 時間それをした。
And the water went all round the altar, till the drain was full.
Then at the time of the offering, Elijah the prophet came near and said, O Lord, The God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel, let it be seen this day that you are God in Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have done all these things by your order
、そして私があなたの使用人であることこと、そして私があなたの順序によってこれらの事すべてをであることそれから提供の時に、Elijah は予言者、O の主近く、前述のアブラハムの神、イスラエル共和国のIsaac の来、イスラエル共和国の神、したそれをこの日見られる許可しなさい
Give me an answer, O Lord, give me an answer, so that this people may see that you are God, and that you have made their hearts come back again.
この人々が神であること、そして中心を再度もどって来させることを見るように、私に答え、O の主を与えなさい、私に答えを与えなさい。
Then the fire of the Lord came down, burning up the offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and drinking up the water in the drain.
When the people saw it, they all went down on their faces, and said, The Lord, he is God, the Lord, he is God.
Additional Reading
Fire from the heavens is a very fearful thing.
Many persons come to death each year in various countries by reason of a fire from the heavens to which we give the name of "lightning".
多くの人は火の理由によって様々な国の死にから私達が"電光" の名前を与える天毎年来る。
The example of which we have most knowledge in present times is the country of America.
In the times long ago that are recorded in our story, the wise and holy man, Elijah, the prophet of God, was making a comparison between the true God and the local one that held the respect of the people.
私達の物語、賢く、神秘家に記録されるずっと昔の時では、Elijah は、神の予言者、人々の点を保持したローカルものと本当の神間の比較をしていた。
His name was Baal.
彼の名前はBaal だった。
Elijah called upon God only once and got an important answer, as we see.
Elijah は一度だけ私達が見るように、神を頼み、重要な答えを得た。
The prophets of Baal had been trying all day to do the same thing without anything being done for them by their god.
Baal の予言者はずっと神がそれらのためにする何でもなしの同じ事をすることを1 日中試みていた。
They put cuts in themselves with swords and knives and gave loud cries, and the blood came streaming out all over them.
But there was no voice nor any answer, and no attention was given to them.
Elijah gave a much better comparison.
Elijah は大いによりよい比較を与えた。
There is much more behind this account than what we might have in mind.
King Ahab lived at a time of great political change and many opposing ideas.
Ahab 王は大きい政治変更および多くの反対の考えの一度に住んでいた。
Two big nations were in deadly competition at the edges of his kingdom.
2 つの大きい国家は彼の王国の端に致命的な競争にあった。
Naturally, he tried to go between them and keep his own authority.
One way of doing this was to let all sorts of religious views be taken up by his people.
Another was to have the trick of marriage with the opposing kingdoms.
By such measures he was able to let his people live in peace and well being.
For at least a while, he gave them property and profit.
He was able to do much building in the chief parts of his kingdom.
The trial between the two strong religious groups that we see here was a great blow to his chances and his changes.
私達がここにいた彼のチャンスへの大きい打撃会うと彼の変わる2 人の強い宗教団体間の試験は。
His wife was one of those with whom Ahab tried to keep the peace through marriage.
彼の妻はAhab が結婚によって平和を保つことを試みた誰それらの1 才とのだった。
And she was the one who was on the side of the prophets of Baal.
そして彼女はあったかだれがBaal の予言者の側面に1 才だった。
Many of Elijah's countrymen were strong in their opposition to her.
Elijah の舎田者の多数は彼女に彼らの反対で強かった。
This event led to her destruction in the long run.
In another story we see how Elijah took his stand against Ahab when he tried to get his hands on Naboth's vine-garden.
別の物語で私達は彼がNaboth のツル庭の彼の手を得ることを試みたときにElijah がAhab に対して彼の立場をいかに取ったか見る。
Elijah was finally taken up from the earth in fire.
Elijah は火の地球から最終的にとられた。
It is written, "Suddenly there were carriages and horses of fire and Elijah went up to heaven in a great wind".
それは書かれている、"突然キャリッジがあり、火及びElijah の馬は大きい風の天まで" 行った。
Elijah was a great prophet at a stage in his nation's history when times were changing and his countrymen had great need to be pointed towards sound religion and to their true God.
Elijah は彼の国家の歴史の段階に時が変わり、彼の舎田者に健全な宗教の方にそして彼らの本当の神を指される大きい必要性があったときにすばらしい予言者だった。
For these acts he has a lasting place in our history.
Helpful Notes
second, third times
二番目に、第3 時 | see numbers.
数を見なさい。 |
hearts come back
中心はもどって来る | fresh attitude of approval.
承認の新しい態度。 |
blood streaming
血の流出 | a mark of respect among believers.
信者間の点の印。 |
deadly competition
致命的な競争 | fighting in politics and in battle.
政治と戦いの戦い。 |
結婚 | gaining by sharing relationships in marriage.
結婚の関係の共有によって利益。 |
Interesting Facts and Records
The Assyrians And Babylonians
There were fertile lands to the north east and to the south of Palestine.
Israel was the land bridge between the two.
イスラエル共和国は2 間の土地橋だった。
These lands gave good support to the persons living there because they were able to produce enough food.
They were mostly along the valleys of great rivers.
The rulers of these lands were always making attempts to get more land and more produce for themselves.
They made attacks on each other in war quite frequently.
One of the first nations to make many such military attempts was the nation of Assyria.
多数にそのような軍隊をする最初の国家の1 つは試みAssyria の国家だった。
The Assyrians had full control for about 100 years from 729 B.C. They often went to war in Palestine.
アッシリアに729 B.C からの約100 年間完全な制御があった。彼らは頻繁にパレスチナで戦うことを行った。
They won their wars by good organisation and the high quality of their engines of war.
They could be named the Romans of those early times.
彼らはそれらの早い時のRomans と示すことができる。
They were cruel when fighting, but less so when they had won.
They tried to frighten their enemies.
It is said that in an attack on a town they would put a stick through the stomachs of prisoners and hang them in a hole.
This was done within full view of the walls of the town.
The process was very cruel.
We have many records of the attacks the Assyrians made on the land of Israel.
The Assyrians built large towns with fine buildings.
These were made of mud brick and were only one room high.
これらは泥の煉瓦から成り、高いたった1 部屋だった。
They had flat rooves made of wood and mud.
それらは平らなrooves を木及び泥から成っていてもらった。
They were made beautiful with pictures and colored bricks in the walls.
The Babylonians are another great nation that made attacks on Israel.
They took control from Assyria.
彼らはAssyria からの制御を取った。
The great town of Babylon is now known for its laws, its large walled towns and its religion.
Babylon の大きい町は法律、大きい囲まれた町および宗教のために今知られている。
They made detailed measures of their movements.
It seemed good to them to divide the heavens on a basis of 60 parts and so they made a number system that went up to 60.
60 部の基礎の天を分けることはそれらによかったようで、従って60 まで行ったナンバーシステムを作った。
There was great interest in their knowledge at the time.
Its effects have continued even to the present times in our own divisions of time and space.
We have 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute because of this relation with those past ways of doing things.
私達は1 時間に60 分、および事をするそれらの過去の方法のこの関係のために分の60 秒を過す。
We also have 60 seconds in a degree in earth sciences.
私達はまた地球科学の程度で60 秒を過す。
Both these nations made records with a system of writing based on marks in plates of wet earth.
These were put into the fire or the sun to dry.
Large numbers of these plates have been found.
They were on shelves once but had slipped to the ground and become covered with powdery dust.
They were on the subjects of religion, art, medicine and the history of those days.
One of the seven "great things" of past times was the hanging gardens of Babylon.
7 の1 つは"過去の大きい事" Babylon の掛かる庭だった。
These are said to have been built for a queen who came from a mountainous part.
She had no liking for the flat lands around Babylon.
彼女はBabylon のまわりで平らな土地のための好みを有しなかった。
Beautiful trees, flowers and water falls were put in these gardens to give her the sense of being among mountains.
From these gardens we see how great was the wealth and power of Babylon.
これらの庭から私達は大きかったBabylon の富そして力がいかにか見る。