Unit 9: Normal Word Order
Pictured Words
New Words

1. plant
2. seed
3. leaf
4. stem
5. root
6. church

7. monkey
8. box
9. match
Structure Words
Sunlight is good for plants.
They will be small without it.
There is a church near here.
What religion is it?
What are its teachings?
May I have a box of matches, please?
May I make a light to see something?
It is only a little monkey.
It is able to take milk from its mother.
Words are grouped in sentences.
They always have a verb.
In a simple sentence, a noun usually goes before the verb and has the name, subject, while another follows it with the name, object.

Jairus' Young Daughter
While he was saying these things to them, there came a ruler and gave him worship, saying, My daughter is even now dead;
but come and put your hand on her, and she will come back to life.
And Jesus got up and went after him, and so did his disciples.
And when Jesus came into the ruler's house and saw the players with their instruments and the people making a noise, He said, Make room;
for the girl is not dead, but sleeping.
And they were laughing at him.
But when the people were sent out, he went in and took her by the hand;
and the girl got up.
And the news of it went out into all that land.
Additional Reading
The ruler was in control of the Jew's church, which had the name, Synagogue.
The name is not important, but his position was.
He was a man of substance, having respect by all.
Also, the Jews did not have good thoughts about Jesus.
So, this man seems to have put his daughter's health before his own position in society.
He came and made a request for help from Jesus, even though the Jews were against that.
Jesus went to her help straight away.
And there was every reason for her need of help.
She was 12 years old and a young woman with all her life in front of her.
She was an only child, in fact that was the time for getting married in those days.
It was a very sad thing, if she was to die.
But die, she did.
The people were all crying with noise and instruments playing, when Jesus came among them.
They had to do that for they would have seemed to have no respect for her death if they did not.
This was especially so, when the ruler was an important person.
When Jesus said she was asleep "they were laughing at him, being certain she was dead", as Luke puts it.
Jesus always said death was like being asleep.
When her spirit came back to her, and the little girl got up, Jesus said two things were to be done.
The mother was to give her daughter something to eat.
That would give the mother a lot of help because she had need of something to do after being so troubled and then being made suddenly very happy.
It would give her new heart to have something to do for her daughter.
He also said not to say anything about it to anyone.
We are told that by Luke.
So, Jesus was not making himself important by giving the girl her spirit back again.
His care was for her, not for himself.
Helpful Notes
| the act of talking to God.
| a man's life giving force.
| a thing with which to make music.
| an act of sadness with the noise of the voice.
| the thing from which it is made.