Unit 6: Prepositions 1
Pictured Words
New Words

1.saying secrets
7.board seat
Structure Words
I have a bad head.
I am sorry for you.
Is this your child?
I feel sick.
I have a cold.
Excuse me, are you running?
What is her name?
What is that?
The 16 verbs are generally combined with some simple words which show the action taken.
These words are given the name: prepositions.
They are shown as a Table and in a picture:
It is clear from the picture that the prepositions have relation to the space in which they act occurs and its direction.

above the building
over the highest part
going through the high part
on the roof
going about the roof
falling off the roof
falling down the wall
falling onto the ground
against the wall
the girl is beside the house
going from the building
going to the tree
under the tree
by the tree
up the tree
across the path
going into the garden
at the garden
among the plants
going out of the garden
below the picture
with the others
after the middle one
between the others
before the others

On a Very Hot Day
Elisha said, What then is to be done for her?
and Gehazi made answer, Still there is this, she has no son and her husband is old.
Then he said, Send for her.
In answer to his voice she took her place at the door.
And Elisha said, At this time in the coming year you will have a son in your arms.
And she said, No, my lord, O man of God, do not say what is false to your servant.
Then the woman became with child and gave birth to a son at the time named, in the year after, as Elisha had said to her.
Now one day, when the child was older, he went out to his father to where the grain was being cut.
And he said to his father, My head, my head!
And the father said to a servant, Take him in to his mother.
And he took him in to his mother, and she took him on her knees and kept him there till the middle of the day, when his life went from him.
Then she went up and put him on the bed of the man of God, shutting the door on him, and went out.
And she said to her husband, Send me one of the servants and one of the asses so that I may go quickly to the man of God and come back again.....
When Elisha came into the house, he saw the child dead, stretched on his bed.
So he went in and shutting the door he got up on the bed, stretching himself out on the child, and put his mouth on the child's mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands, and the child's body
Stretching himself out on the child seven times, the child's eyes became open....
And he gave orders for the woman and said, Take up your son, And she came in, and went down on her face to the earth at his feet;
then she took her son in her arms and went out.
Additional Reading
This was not the only good thing the prophet did for he had already told the woman she would have a son.
She was one of the many women in those days who were very conscious of the fact that they did not have a son.
To have a son was the most important thing a Jew could do for his country.
So, this woman was not doing the right thing.
She had been kind to the prophet and put a little room on her house for his visits.
That is why he gave her the news that God would give her a son.
She had been pleased at that time, of course.
But she was very sad when he had died.
The boy had got the effects of the sun out in the field in the hot sun at the time of cutting the grain in Palestine.
We would give that the name, sunstroke, in English.
What a pleasure for the woman to get her son back from the dead when she had asked the prophet to come.
As was normal in those times, the woman showed her desire to reward the prophet by going down onto the ground before him.
This is a very human story.
It is about a great event, but it comes to us with a simple, true sense.