Stage 4: Wider reading 阶段 4: 宽阔地文学

Unit 9: Aquiculture



The supply of fish from the many rivers and lakes in China, especially Southern China, may be supplemented with pond grown fish.


Ever since Tang times a body of water has been thought of as a three-dimensional space and therefore more than one kind of crop could be developed.


Plants and fish were obvious possibilities, but fish could also be stocked at three levels with three different species, one to feed on the surface, the others on the middle layers and the bottom of a pond.

种植和鱼是明显的可能,但是捕鱼能也被存贮在三点层次和三不同种,一以为食表面,其他在中间层和池塘的底 .

These ponds could be included among the bays for growing rice, or they could be sited among the mulberries that provided both food for silkworms and bark for paper making.


Yet again, the drainage from pig sties could be directed to low points on the farm and provide an additional food source by raising fish on the waste from the pig sty.


The management of fish ponds became a major industry in China.


We saw a series of carefully managed ponds, situated in a range of ecoclimes.

我们看见了一系列的仔细地被处理的池塘, 位于在生态学气候的范围.

There were fish ponds, 9 m deep, into which the drainage from pig sties flowed.

有捕鱼池塘, 9 m深,进入哪一个排水从猪猪栏冲走.

Mulberries grew about the edge to provide food for silkworms and the fish were also fed with crushed snails, weeds and grain.


The ponds teemed with fish.
