About: The Writings
SeeSayDo is written by Dr. Clive T. Gates

Joan & Clive's golden wedding anniversary with children: Phil, Wes, Heather, Steph, Christine & Kay. (1997)
Extract from a letter Clive wrote to a friend regarding the SeeSayDo books.
You did ask me for a resume of my background to popularise the books.
I think that needs only to be brief, covering the major points:
In my teens I was influenced by a Dr. T.Z. Koo who spoke at a church meeting in the Chatswood Town Hall.
I felt called to study agriculture as a basis for Christian work.
I had to gain entry to University by private study for the Leaving Certificate, and my financial resources did not favour that aim.
To make a long story short, the Lord enabled me to succeed and I entered CSIRO at Griffith, NSW.
I have since studied in England at Oxford and Cambridge, in the United States at Cal. Tech.,
and in Japan at the Institute of Protein Research at the Osaka Han Dai, altogether some 3 to 4 years overseas as a CSIRO officer.
I felt challenged by the Lord to take up the night study of Chinese and Japanese at the Queensland University and at the Institute of Modern Languages.
I completed Honours in each along with the study of Chinese, Japanese and Indian history and culture.
These seemed important for that challenge.
As a result, I twice worked with Dr. Joseph Needham in Cambridge on the agricultural volume of his series "Science and Civilisation in China",
and have since published during retirement three books: "Climate and Agriculture; Globally, In China, and In Biblical Times".
Also during retirement, we have developed "Gilgal", a 270 acre property for training Christian workers.
It became obvious that the Bible was an ideal basis for teaching English and thus satisfying the hunger for learning that language whilst favouring Biblical knowledge.
The present books result from that and are the product of a decade of work.
My academic qualifications are:
Dr. Bib. Stud.(Missouri), B.A. Oriental Studies (Q), M.Sc. Agric., B.Sc. Agric. Hons. (WA), Lay Preaching Hons. (NSW), Digital & Industrial Electronics (ACT), Institute Modern Languages (Q), CSIRO Principal Research Scientist (retired), Life member American Society Plant Biologists.
Publisher's Notes
Prepared for the internet by 'Clive and Wes Gates', with the kind assistance of 'Bill Sutton' of 'SuttonNet'.
Bill designs and hosts the site. He also wrote 'Java' programs to transform bi-lingual spreadsheets into web pages via XML.
The original set of books are published in Australia and New Zealand by “Gilgal International Training Academy (Inc.)” under the title 'English: To See Say Do'.
This web site is a non-profit internet publication of Dr.Clive T.Gates books 'English: To See Say Do'.
Literal translations of english to other languages are provided to assist in learning english (not the other language), prepared with the aid of 'Chinese Star SunTendy, USA' and internet translation machines.
The words and grammar in this course are the same as that used by the 'Syndics of Cambridge University Press' in their version of the 'Bible in Basic English'.
Their cooperation in permitting quotation from that version is gratefully acknowledged. We warmly advise the purchase of that version.
That volume, and so the present text, makes use of the 'Basic English' developed by:
Ogden, C.K.' (1935) The ABC of Basic English (in Basic), 3rd print, 'Paul Trench, Trubner, London.'
This is also gratefully acknowledged.
Scriptural Figures by 'Carol Allen-Ankins'.
Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act;
this text is copyright. No part of this text may be reproduced by any process, including radio, television, or other electronic media, without the written permission of the author.
English: To See Say Do
National Library of Australia, ISBN 1 876222 00 X (Set),(1 876222 09-12) Second Edition 2001.
Gilgal International Training Academy (Inc)
A small non-profit organisation incorporated in the ACT, Australia (1988-2008)