Unit 19: Nouns Used As Adjectives
Pictured Words
New Words

1. writing
2. pen
3. pencil

4. brush
5. window
6. star
7. church
8. square
9. needle
10. thread
11. pictures
There are many kinds of writing.
Put pen to paper.
Tell the world your news.
Please send us a letter while you are on the ship.
That bird is hanging by a thread beneath the basket.
Cloth is made from thread.
The pictures are hanging by the window.
A square is the same on each side.
Nouns Used As Adjectives
A noun may be used as an adjective before another noun.
When this is done the noun does the work of an adjective.
There are many examples
she made him a basket out of the stems of water-plants.
May I go and get you one of the Hebrew women?
Rachel had taken the images, and had put them in the camels' basket.
he went after him for seven days and overtook him in the hill-country.
taking with him his two wives and the two servant
women and his eleven children.
However great you make the bride-price and payment, I will give it.
he took all the he-goats which were banded or coloured and all the she-goats.
In this example personal pronouns do the work of an adjective.

She Put Her Hand On His Robe
And a woman, who for twelve years had had a flow of blood, came after him, and put her hand on the edge of his robe:
Because, she said to herself, if I may but put my hand on his robe, I will be made well.
But, Jesus turning and seeing her said, daughter, take heart;
your faith has made you well.
And the woman was made well from that hour.
Additional Reading
Not important!
That was the thought of every one in the crowd that day!
This was a woman who had become poor by going to many medical men and putting a lot of money into being made well.
But there was no way in those times for that to be done.
Medical men there were, but they did not have the knowledge or the ability to get control of her condition of a flow of blood.
The disease had been her trouble for many years.
It gave her a very poor feeling.
Now that disease was one which made society shut her out from the social group.
She was not clean, they said.
The flow of blood made a division between her and others.
That is why she came to Jesus quietly and made an attempt to touch His robe without being seen.
She was full of fear of what other persons in the crowd would say.
But, that was not the way Jesus saw it.
He said to her that her faith had made her well.
There are two things we may take note of here.
The first is that Jesus had knowledge of her touching his robe.
All the Jews had robes from which four threads were hanging down.
It was one of these threads that she touched.
But, that was not enough reason for Jesus to say power had gone out from Him.
He had knowledge we do not have, for that to come to His attention.
The other thing we may take note of is her reaction to being made well.
She was conscious of harmony with others for the first time for years.
Her feelings of great happiness are made clear to us by stories which have come down to us from those days.
They are a sort of history from those times.
We are told by a historian who had the name, Eusubius, that this woman was not a Jew.
She gave a sign of her approval of what Jesus did for her by having a picture in stone put in the market square of her far distant town.
She gave the money for it herself.
It was made to let other persons see her being made well.
This structure in respect of her memories was there for a long time.
But a Roman ruler had his own picture made in stone and put there in its place.
Then a strange thing was done.
His stone structure came to destruction by a fire of light which came from the sky upon it.
Thus, this memory of the woman's being made well would have been a loss to us if we did not have the story written down for us.
It is really good that the facts are still in the story we have just been reading.
Helpful Notes
a flow of blood
| a disease which may come after child birth.
| a long cover for the body.
medical men
| we may now say, doctors.
social group
| the persons around us.
threads hanging down
| an edge to the robe reaction
| an act of adjustment.
picture in stone
| a structure in one's memory.
market square
| a place for coming together in talk and business.
fire of light
| thunder-flames, lightning.